Once the limit is reached it displays the XY's and returns out of the loop. It also now has complete with a "Max Overflow" feature to display preset limits using an NumericUpDown. Not only can you search for Blocks and Walls simultaneously, but the plugin will also display the block / wall for the same XY. The code for this control was barrowed from this link. I have added a numericupdown control for this.

As stated in the last revision, we needed a control way to limit the amount of blocks or walls being searched. This is where you can see similarities from the FindChest plugin GUI. The next image if the window that will popup after clicking the plugin. In my previous push there where some issues as pointed out.īellow is an image of the plugin within the plugins tab of the GUI. Similar to the function of FindChest plugin is basically close to what would be needed. Thanks I have been getting a ton of requests for an Find Block feature / plugin such as the one TerraMap has.